Today I decided to plant some kale and collards for the greenhouse, in case the soil is too cold out there for seeds to germinate soon. Tomorrow I will plant some in the greenhouse itself as well and see how the two ways work out.
I also figured out that for some items it makes sense to plant one per half share and per mini share plus one for me. That works out to 16 plants of whatever it is, like head lettuce for instance. I will continue to think about this. For instance, how many kale plants should I plant for each half share in order to have enough???
Of course after I decided to plant in units of 16, I found that my starter pots fit in the flats in groups of 12. Hmmph.
Today's planting - 12 each:
Kale - White Russian and Winter Red
Collards - Champion
Tainong Heading Mustard
(This is part of my ongoing campaign to successfully grow some of this heading mustard. I decided to plant some frequently and see what works out the best. It sure looks nice in the Baker Creek catalog.)
Germinating onions almost too small to see:
Hey, I have chickens, too. Last summer, a fox attacked and we went from 8 to 2. So, in the winter, to keep up egg production, we keep the two inside their shack and keep a light on during the day. Have you tried a light??
Pam B.
Hey Pam, Too too bad about your chickens. I am keeping my eye out for foxes and coyotes, etc. but they a reality of country living. I have been letting the chickens run a bit for the exercise and sunshine but for now, they are confined to their coop. Yesterday the rooster attacked me in a major way while he was free outside so I am mad at him. No more free range and no more going into their pen until I make a new door.
They have a light for part of the day. I have no clue whether or not it affects their laying but I do it anyway. I had chickens for a long time many years ago. What's fun now is that I had forgotten the fun parts of keeping chickens. Now I have more coming in a month or so...
What breeds do you/did you have?
We have too much snow to let them run! We had aracuna, buff orpington, black sex link, rhode island red and a black and white bird that I'm blocking on the name of right now. We've had them since the early 90's off and on. Usually get new ones every two years or so. They are so cute when they first arrive, all fuzzy and then they rapidly grow into adolescents. We've stopped letting them get broody reproduce their own because then you have to deal with the whole rooster thing-- not only the agression, but also, the crowing at the crack of dawn. Once, when Sawyer was little, we took a couple of roosters over to a neighbors to butcher them. Sawyer called them "unlucky birds." We had a pen at one point, but it got very ugly, so we just let the birds run all over the farm. Guess what-- I'm retiring at the end of August-- then we'll have to figure out a plan to get together. Got to head home!
Pam B.
It would be fun to see you.
The only way my chickens will go outside is if I spread a bit of straw on top of the snow. It feels like for them to get fresh air so I do it. When the snow was hard last week they started wandering a bit. I like them roaming free too. I think in some ways it is safer for them because they can fly away from predators. But I need to protect the vegetables...
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